Dead simple ways public relations can fuel successful content marketing

If you are a business owner, you’d probably know it takes months of planning, research, writing, and design to launch your new B2B research report.

Personas have to be identified; databases have to be segmented. Sales conversion, website traffic, lead generation goals have to be set. And finally, the project management system has to be stacked with the elements of a successful content marketing campaign, such as an eBook, infographic, blog post, landing page, SlideShare, social media, lead nurturing emails, website CTAs, associated webinar, webinar emails, campaign tracking, etc.

All of this needs to be taken care of. Seems pretty radical, RIGHT?

There is so much more that you can do to help your content marketing plans surpass your expectations for success. Let’s understand how the role played by public relations agencies in Greenville, SC and elsewhere can add fuel to this content fire.

PR covers activities designed to build relationships and improve communications with audiences that matter to your business, like analyst relations, community relations, blogger relations, crisis communications, media relations, public speaking, employee relations, etc.  That being said, here are 8 ways an integrated PR strategy can accelerate your content marketing success.

Build a database

Build a media database that includes blogs, business publications, and trade publications. Track useful information of the company’s name, outlet name, phone number, email address, social media profile links, point of interest, and notes. This information should be uploaded and managed in your marketing team’s customer relationship management system.

TIP: Influencers and guest bloggers are interested in content that is relevant to their audience and appeals to them. So, if your content is not made for their audience, don’t waste your time pitching to them.

Pull editorial calendar information of print publications

Generally, print publications publish content surrounding the topics they plan to cover in their editorial calendars throughout the year. So, take advantage of this information available. Research. Research. Research editorial calendars of your target media outlets and find out topics that resonate with the content in your campaigns.

Customize your pitches

Once your editorial calendar list and media database are complete, pitch story ideas to relevant media contacts. Dig deeper, and contact magazines that are planning to cover topics relevant to your business in their next month’s issue. Make a list and when it is complete, pitch your eBook prepared by website designing service provider to them.

Identify back link generation opportunities

Bylined articles and guest posts are great ways to acquire back links from highly reputable websites, to expand reach, build an audience and drive traffic to your website. Usually, publications and blogs often accept contributions in return for high-quality content published on their website.

Consider influencer outreach

It’s a powerful shot at traditional advertising and a very effective strategy for promoting brand awareness and boosting online presence. So, if you want to build credibility and reach to your audience faster, pitch your content to highly influential bloggers. Feature useful insights from industry influencers on your website.

Collaborate and distribute

Reach out to organizations and brands in your network that have a huge clientele, customer base. Employ strategies to collaborate with them and distribute your content through newsletters, emails, events, and websites.

Grab speaking engagements

As a company’s owner or manager, identify opportunities to speak at industry events. Make the most of such opportunities and discuss relevant topics and concepts with your target audience, to showcase your company’s credibility, expertise, and thought leadership. To be fully prepared for these opportunities, you should consider attending media training classes in NYC to enhance your public speaking skills.

Submit your content for awards

Look for Content Marketing Awards and Submits that reward excellence in marketing and submit your content. This is a great way to grab the spotlight when presented among the leaders in your industry. It is also a great way to extend your reach to new audiences.

Are you already using PR strategies to fuel your content marketing campaigns? If not, now may be the best time to do so.