Business or Pleasure: Dropbox to Let Users Switch Between Work and Personal Accounts

As more and more people start making the switch to hosting their important files on the cloud, the various options for doing so are becoming more important with each new customer. Today, the Verge reports that Dropbox, arguably the most well-known third-party cloud storage application, will offer users options for easy switching between work and personal accounts without the need to sign in or out of accounts to do so.

The new feature is set to be announced at an upcoming press event on April 9, says the post, and that it’ll go live on the same day. Moreover, Dropbox is apparently working toward a public offering in the near future, so this new feature targeted to business users seems perfectly aligned with that goal.

Offering this feature seems like a great way to make the service more attractive to users whose places of business already have Dropbox accounts. I wish I could say that I’d be taking advantage of it, too…but, of course, I’m a freelance writer. Work is personal, and personal is work—there’s no separation in my accounts whatsoever.

What I can offer, though, is the knowledge that Dropbox works really great as a solution for cloud storage and syncing with multiple devices. As a Dropbox user, I can’t help but hope that this newest feature gets them all the money and customers in the world, and will ensure that my own Dropbox experience only continues to improve forever and ever, amen.

[Source: The Verge]