BestTechie Blogging Community

What is BT Blogs? BT Blogs is a blogging community for – you can create your own blog for FREE and write about whatever you want: Tech, News, Your Life, Music, Etc… By creating a BT Blog you will have your own account in which you can post to your own personal blog. BT Blogs also has antispam filters in place so your blog won’t be bothered by spam. So what are you waiting for? Come join the community and blog at BT Blogs!
So this is how it works: you want your own page? You’re in luck! — go to – click create a new blog and follow the steps – once you are logged in you’re ready to blog! Since I am really planning for this to take off and become big I will be creating a new forum section for BT Blogs support so anyone who has a problem or is not sure how to use it can get help. Tutorials on how to use basic WordPress features will be posted as well in the near future.
As of now we have a few themes that are available for use and will most likely be adding some more in the future.
And I think that’s it for now… well..what are you waiting for? Start blogging! Enjoy everyone!
BT Blogs – Join Now!