A list of the best tech podcasts
Podcasts are super popular again. After picking up steam for a somewhat brief stint in 2008, podcasting died down until around 2015 when the medium saw a resurgence that’s still ongoing today. One of the major issues with podcasting today is on the listener side of the equation: discovery. Podcast discovery is still a nut that hasn’t been cracked, in my opinion. In fact, podcast discovery is very similar to app discovery in that way–they both suck.
So in order to help you find the best tech podcasts out there, I’m compiling a list of my favorites. I plan to continually update this list as I discover new ones so be sure to check back occasionally. If you have any recommendations, feel free to leave a comment down below or tweet me.
Finally! Someone has compiled a list of all the best tech podcasts.
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The best tech podcasts

Recode Decode
Hosted by the great Kara Swisher, Recode Decode is always a pleasure to listen to. She interviews various people in and around the tech industry and isn’t afraid to ask the hard hitting questions. As she puts it: she stopped giving a fuck a long time ago. She also tries to have a wide range of guests on, which I think is great. Episodes range from 30 minutes to an hour plus.
You can listen to Recode Decode here.

Masters of Scale
Masters of Scale is hosted by Reid Hoffman, famed entrepreneur and investor. In each episode, Reid talks to entrepreneurs who have been there, done that–the episodes provide insights and a look into building and growing a company, how to scale, lessons learned from mistakes, and so much more. Whether you’re a founder yourself or just interested in fascinating stories about some of the world’s biggest companies, Masters of Scale is for you. Plus, the production quality is amazing.
You can listen to Masters of Scale here.

The Pitch
I freakin’ love The Pitch. It’s such an interesting concept for a podcast. If you’re familiar with Shark Tank, it’s like Shark Tank in podcast form. It follows the journey of startup founders pitching actual investors and trying to raise real money. Made by Josh Muccio and part of Gimlet Media, it’s really one of my favorite shows.
You can listen to The Pitch here.

The Equity podcast (which is under the TechCrunch umbrella) is hosted in part by my friend Alex Wilhelm, a guy that is super passionate about money and tech. He makes listening to talk about money and tech actually interesting. Equity focuses primarily on the finance aspect of technology, including massive funding rounds, IPOs, and acquisitions. Each episode is usually under 30 minutes but packed with insights.
You can listen to the Equity podcast here.

The Digiday Podcast
Hosted by Brian Morrissey, the Editor in Chief at Digiday, Brian speaks with various people across the digital media space, from publishers to agencies. I love Brian’s interview approach, he always seems very comfortable with his guests and gets good nuggets out of them.
You can listen to The Digiday Podcast here.

BirchTree Podcast
I’m a fan of Matt Birchler’s BirchTree podcast for several reasons, but let me highlight a few: he keeps it short and sweet, he offers unique insights (check out episode #111: buying a hammer), and you can tell he’s truly passionate about what he’s talking about (which I think is super important).
You can listen to the Birchtree Podcast here.

Alright, you got me. This is my podcast! The reason I started the TechieBytes podcast is because as an entrepreneur, blogger, tech guy, marketer, and early adopter, I have had a wide range of experiences over the years and thought having important conversations with tech leaders would be useful. Each week I interview different guests from the tech industry including founders, CEOs, executives, and journalists to discuss important industry topics, such as building, hiring, selling, scaling, marketing, security, and much more.
You can listen to TechieBytes here.