Best Spring Break Apps!

Spring break is just around the corner and we have some great apps that can help you get the best prices, find the hot spots and stay organized on your vacation:
1.) GasBuddy: (Free; iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows) This app is a community of users working together to update gas prices so it helps you find the cheapest gas on the go. You can see local gas stations on a map and their current gas prices. Plus, you can even report gas prices and earn points toward prizes.
2.) TripSplitter: ($1.99; iOS, Android) Are you traveling with a group over Spring Break and splitting the cost? Well you might want to pick up TripSplitter. This app makes it easy to split expenses between your buddies …each person gets a color and button so you can touch their button to include them in the expense (so no one gets away with mooching). The main view organizes expenses by day and category so you can see the total expense and the breakdown.
3.) TripIt: (Free; iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows) TripIt organizes your entire trip– soup to nuts. All you have to do is forward your itineraries, including hotel, car and restaurant reservations to (if you have gmail- it happens automatically) and the app will organize your travel plans in one place so you can access it anytime. It will give you daily weather forecasts, maps and directions for each destination and even sync your trip plans with your calendar.
4.) WHERE: (Free; iOS, Android) WHERE helps you find nearby restaurants, bars and stores with just a few taps. Plus, you can get special offers and deals with local businesses. You can also see your friends’ favorites places and get suggestions on where to go. I did see one review that said they were being charged a fee so to be careful about anything suspicious within the app. However, overall, the reviews were very positive.
5.) HappyHour: (Free; iOS, Android) If you want to find a place nearby that has a happy hour- this is the app you want to download. It shows you on map where the happy hour is and what the offer is. Plus the app can give you coupons for even more savings…so drink up!
6.) Foursquare: (Free; iOS, Android, Blackberry) How can you go on vacation without Foursquare? This is a must have for any vacation spot. It will quickly tell you where you can eat nearby and even give you personalized recommendations. The app, which is used by more than 30 million people, also lets you see the ratings, friends who have been, money-saving specials, and useful insider tips. Tap through on a place to see even more, like directions and menu items. Foursquare just recently added even more ways to save money. Definitely worth having on your smartphone.
So there you have it! I won’t be going anywhere this year so drink one for me :)