Apple Watch Battery Problems? Try This.

Did you get your Apple Watch? Have you been enjoying it fully, frolicking through the fields, checking your pulse, texting your friends, sending them rude drawings? Does your battery die sooner than it should? If so, Apple knows, and it’s come up with some possible solutions.
Users have taken to Apple’s forums or Twitter to complain of Apple Watch battery problems, mainly revolving around chargers that don’t actually charge. One user offered up a two-step solution he got from Apple in support chat, helpfully condensed by a Monday post on 9to5Mac:
Turn off and reset the Watch, first holding the side button, swiping to power off, then holding the Digital Crown and side button at the same time until the Apple logo appears. This alone may solve the problem.
If that doesn’t work, restart the connected iPhone, open the Apple Watch app, then Erase All Content and Settings using General > Reset. Set up the Watch again and see if charging works.
Meanwhile, if those solutions don’t work, you may have gotten a defective unit, in which case you can rely on your warranty and Apple Care to get a replacement. With any product launch, some hardware problems are bound to pop up. Even Apple isn’t immune from them.
But while some users have found problems with the Apple Watch’s battery itself, others have seen that the batteries of their iPhones have drained much more quickly than they’d expected. The culprit seems to be a bug in iOS, which—fortunately—should be easy enough to fix. The post also reports that Apple reps are asking users whether or not there’s “moisture condensation inside the back sensor window,” or to see if any apps show “unusually high battery usage.”
In all, these kinds of problems aren’t too surprising. I bought a Moto 360 the week it came out. After spending over an hour troubleshooting with Motorola support, it was discovered that I had simply received a defective unit, and back to the store it went. When I bought my PlayStation 4 a couple years ago, that unit too was a dud, which required a replacement from Sony. And currently, I’m typing this on my fourth Surface Pro 3—that’s how many times I’ve had to replace this thing.
In short: as we ask hardware to do more while being smaller and thinner, things are going to go wrong. The fact that our own Jeff Weisbein has been happy as a clam with his Apple Watch goes to show that not everyone has had these problems. There’s hope for you yet.
[Source: 9to5Mac]