Apple Tightens Licensed iPhone Case Standards

Apple is doing its damndest to make sure that your device survives your tumultuous ownership of it. After last week’s news that the company had patented a drop-protection system – which would vibrate a falling iPhone into a better position to survive impact with the ground – today Apple has updated its standards for companies looking to make officially licensed iPhone 6 cases.
According to a post on 9to5Mac, Apple’s “Made for iPhone,” or MFi, requirements have been tightened up to ensure that accessory makers protect an iPhone’s glass display from impacts. Moreover, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus cases must now ensure that devices are protected from drops of up to a meter, or 3.2 feet, in height. That’s a pretty good standard – and if accessory makers can’t meet those requirements, they aren’t allowed to use the “Made for iPhone,” “Made for iPad,” or “Made for iPod” logos on their products.
That last bit is important, since there are surely no shortage of cases you can buy that will certainly fit your iPhone just fine. But if you want to make sure that it has drop protection that’s up to Apple’s standards, you’ve got to look for that logo.
An interesting side-thought: does this tighter requirement on MFi-branded accessories signify the fact that the iPhone 6 is overall less sturdy than its predecessors? In September, shortly after the release of the iPhone 6, the device made headlines across the web with reports that it was more susceptible to bending in a person’s pocket. While these reports are pretty much agreed to be exaggerated or extreme cases of malfunctions, and not reflective of the whole, it stands to reason that Apple is looking to ensure as much protection possible for their thinnest – and possibly most fragile – iPhone yet.
All this is to say, put a damn case on your iPhone. Sure, it may look beautiful, freed from its plastic prison. But if you want your iPhone – or, really, any expensive gadget – to survive your butterfingers, you better slap a sleeve on that thing.
[Source: 9to5Mac]