Apple Buys Second-Screen App Service

It’s no secret that Apple has designs on your television, though no one would fault you for not being entirely aware of that fact. The actual products the company’s put out to date are pretty sparse: in fact, besides Apple TV, I can’t really think of too many other gadgets meant specifically for that black rectangle in your living room. But today, we got some hints of Apple’s ongoing, under-wraps television strategy: VentureBeat reports that Apple has purchased, the makers of a second-screen TV-streaming app of the same name.
According to the post, abruptly shut down in May despite solid performance in the App Store. But when it was up and running, the app allowed users to navigate television content that was available from cable providers, streaming services, and digital video stores, as well as to manage your content via a universal queue and connect with friends through its social functions. In short, it was a one-stop shop for television watchers who had a lot of subscriptions, and didn’t want to have to juggle from one service to another.
To me, it sounds a lot like the way Apple TV functions already—though the app-based interface and social media aspects seem like the kind of thing that Apple would want to own and control. Essentially, this acquisition sounds like Apple seeing a company do what they already do, but better. Why not pay a little cash to bring the team and its know-how aboard to bolster its own services, while simultaneously keeping other companies from taking advantage of it? Don’t be surprised to see Apple TV’s next iteration to include a fully functional, app.
According to the post, Apple may have paid somewhere between $1 million to $1.5 million for the company, though one source claims that estimate is “definitely incorrect, but couldn’t comment further.” Either way, there’s definitely some TV rumblings afoot for Apple. Considering how Microsoft and Sony will have extremely powerful footholds in people’s living rooms with their Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles, respectively, it’s in Apple’s best interests to provide the best user experiences it can to compete.