5 educational apps that will improve your grades

Studying can be a tough job. It is easy to get lost in all that study material. However, technology can help you make this process a lot easier and when it comes to studying you can never have too much help. So, why not use your smartphone to study better? It’s never been a better time to be a student. There is an app just for everything! There is an app to help you to keep track of all your assignments due dates, or to boost your motivation. Educational apps can significantly increase your productivity and your grades.

There are so many apps, but trying to discover them can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Take a look at the five (5) best educational apps and start learning on the go!

1. TED

TED is a platform for spreading new ideas as short videos up to 18 minutes. This app allows you to watch lots of educational talks from conferences all over the world. Listen to inspiring talks by amazing people while sitting on your comfortable sofa. There are speeches on everything, including business, science, education, technology, art. There are hundreds of videos to explore and most of them have been translated and made available in different languages. Also, you can watch them even offline, just download some of the talks to watch later. Everyone should have this app on their phone. Seriously, have a look!

2. Mendeley

It is one of the best education apps for students. This application is designed to help students in writing research papers. You can connect and collaborate with millions of researchers worldwide. By creating a profile, you can start joining the groups and looking for people or information that inspires you. This app lets you organize citations and notes, search for articles and a lot more. Mendeley allows you to turn even the biggest set of documents into a searchable and easy to manage library.

3. Duolingo

Duolingo revolutionized the way people learn languages. It is a fun way to learn a new language without sitting in a classroom. It feels more like a game than actual work. Duolingo supports lots of languages, and it is very simple to use. The lessons get harder the further you go, but it still manages to stay fun. When you finish the lesson, it shows you your weakest words. You can master the language by playing on the app throughout the day. This app uses several different methods to keep you motivated, like a goal-setting tool or bonus skills. Duolingo is not a stand-alone language course, but it is a great addition to your language learning toolbox. What is more, it is completely free, and there are no ads in it!

4. Coursera

Coursera is an online school that offers a range of courses on a variety of topics. Lots of people are signing up to take courses that are taught by professors of well-known universities. The classes have lectures, assignments and video content. They are interactive and available in different languages. After finishing the course, you can even get a certificate. Its courses are usually ten weeks long, and in some classes, there is a final exam in the end. But not all of the courses are for free, and there are some of them that you need to pay for. Coursera classes are flexible enough, and it is a perfect way to get an education while lying in your bed. It is worth to check out!

5. Khan Academy

It is an educational resource with step-by-step videos on math, history, and science. They have millions of students from all over the world, and its resources are being translated into more than 36 languages. Khan Academy offers a variety of courses and classes to students. You can pause and resume videos in order to better understand the information. You can also download them for offline access. And it is all completely free.

This list of awesome educational apps will help you increase your productivity. Check them out and choose the learning apps that are the best for you. Technology can be an enormous help in studying, and there is no reason to be afraid of including it in your learning process.