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American Express card members have had the luxury of syncing their card with foursquare and receiving discounts when purchasing something after checking in for a while now, but the same benefit hasn’t been available to people who have other credit cards–until today.  Foursquare just announced it is working with First Data and CardSpring to expand its credit card specials to Visa, Mastercard, and debit cards.

The first partnership is with Burger King.  The foursquare-Burger King partnership will give foursquare users the ability to save money at over 6,500 Burger King locations across the U.S.  In order to know which Burger King locations are participating in the specials, just look for the orange and white card icon in the app when you’re checking in.  Also, don’t forget to connect your credit card in the foursquare app (iOS or Android) settings or on the web.

Once you pay with your credit card at one of the partnered locations, you will receive a credit for the amount that you were told you would save.  It’s all seamless, there’s no need for coupons or to show you checked-in.


If Burger King isn’t your thing, fear not.  Foursquare says they are working with getting more partners onboard and that we should expect to see new specials very soon (read: within the next few weeks).

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